Tuesday, September 24, 2013

People WANT to come to our wedding...

Originally we had 60-ish ppl on the guest list.
We were thinking that our out of state families probably would NOT be able to make it.
Turns out MOST all our out of state families, are super excited about the wedding, and also will be able to make it!

Now we are think it will be more than 82 people. -Holy moly- That is a lot of people. The max per the location limit is 120. So we still have wiggle room.
It's good! We are happy that are families will actually be able to come! It will be awesome. =]

It just means some of our local friends won't be getting invited...

I've had people ASK me about the wedding plans/date/etc that I don't think I can invite... =[
It is HARD to "hint" and/or straight up tell them you are working on the guest list, but they probably won't be on it.

Honestly, I am surprised and a little shocked that so many people want to come and are excited about it...

If we were to invite everyone we wanted, there would be over 130 ppl on the list.
And as I typing this I'm thinking of more people I'd wish I could add!