Monday, December 15, 2014


Someone I know is un-officially engaged... And I have been un-officially asked to be in her wedding! 2016 haha.

L turned 9 -

I probably should try to have a baby soon if I am going to... Don't want to be pregnant.. I hear it's awful. Then the 'newborn stage' is the worse.

Goal. Big Goal - (that I am not even sure if it will really even happen)
Buy houses and rent then out, make money and be happy.

Or something like that........

Started reading those divergent books. (On the first one)

Made it thru Thanksgiving with B's family.

Wish I made more money - to buy more gifts for ppl or better gifts.

time to roll out.

1 comment:

  1. Being Prego is not terrible. Baby's are the best! I was at a party the other night and wanted to steal this 11 month old. So frwaking cute. EMILY says I'm obsessed with babies.
