Tuesday, August 11, 2015

pregnancy "morning sickness"

pregnancy "morning sickness"

I think this might be the hardest thing I've gone thru... still going thru.

I feel nausea everyday all day (I think there's been maybe a few days were I was OK most of the day).
I have no appetite.
My body is worn out from throwing up. On average 4x per day...
I have nausea meds - the one that works the best comes with a risk. There's a small chance for cleft lip and small holes in the babies heart. I've been praying against that every time I've taken a pill.

I've missed a lot of work. Which is better than H, b/c when she was pregnant, she didn't work for 4 months.

Riding in a car is horrible. And smells are bad. Everything smells a LOT stronger.. bread, food, my dog, ALL smells. B's deodorant.

Friday I came home from work and didn't go outside until Monday evening. I sat in the car while B went into the store. Bad idea.

I'm discouraged b/c I feel like I am trying to survive - keep on living.
I've had food poisoning before - throwing up for about 3 days. Then slowly going back to normal.

This pregnancy - all rules for normal illness are out. Up is down and down is up.
Everyone keeps saying, eat crackers, rice, bread. When your stomach is empty is when the sickness will happen.
That's not true with me.
I've thrown up on empty stomach, on full stomach, on part full stomach, when I wake up, before bed, in the middle of the night.

I've been trying to trust in God and pray; it's hard when I feel like I'm dying.

B and I are praying and hope tri 2 will be better and the nausea/sickness will go away.

I've read some forums on pregnancy sites and talked to some ppl. Seems like pregnancy can affect everyone differently - some women do just fine... some completely awful and everywhere in between.

H took the same meds wit her daughter and E came out fine.
I'm stressed b/c there is a chance (the ob has 2 kids. took the meds with both her kids. one was fine, the other had the cleft lip (fixed with surgery) and small holes in the heart that the girl grew out of)
Stressed b/c missed work and therefore smaller paychecks...

Next appt is 28th and 2 tri starts around Sept 7... Labor day. ha.

I'm trying to get thru 1 day at a time. It's hard.
I am not for abortion - , but the thought has entered my head several times.

The baby is a size of a prune over 10 weeks now...

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