Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dark & Twisty VS happy and peaceful....

A lot of time in the past, I have been angry / upset / sad / negative / etc with the world and "bad" things that happened...

But for me now, it is a lot better to not focus, not to think - about such things.
I might take a minute - and be angry - full of rage - for a minute - and then move on.
Turning my thoughts to better things - makes me feel better and clears up my mind.
When negative thoughts come - pushing them out and thinking about better things helps with stress and anxiety.
Anything from being upset/angry that I am in traffic - focusing my thoughts on the fact that I do have a car - a good - reliable car. I might be stuck in traffic, but at least I am in a good car, with music.
Or the other day, when I started getting really bummed out that my *late* grandparents would not be able to attend the wedding we're having (B&I)
I choose to think, of the good memories I have of my grandparents. They might not be here today and won't be at the wedding, but I have a memory full of good, happy times that I spent with them.
Not everyone is bless with good grandparents,who helped raise them up. I can't bring them back - I can't change that (or the times in traffic or other things 'get to me') but I can't change my thoughts. And try to focus on something that makes me feel better.

Dwelling and thinking about the sad/bad/upsetting/etc things that are beyond my control and beyond me changing - doesn't really do anything - it doesn't change it. It's not going to make traffic clear up, it's not going to put tons of money in my bank account, and it definitely won't bring my late grandparents back.
It only stresses me out / gets me down / etc.

It's taken me a long time to get to this place mentally.
-those are my thoughts currently-

Some people are blessed with 'positive thinking' - so to speak. Focusing on good things comes EASY to them.
For me, it has been more of a learning process.


  1. I'm trying to figure out this blogspot thing... how to do you make friends? Is there a way to easily find your blog from my profile? I don't get it! I miss xanga.

  2. Ya... Idk... Do you have a "blogspot" set up?

  3. When I click your name it takes me to your google circle deal...

  4. http://leahsplaceforthoughts.blogspot.com/
