Friday, February 7, 2014

So I remember why...

...why I prefer to attend a 'non-denominational" church. Because of all the "rules" - that don't make all that much sense.

I will call this man "Mr. X"
Mr. X was the pastor at my Grandparents church - and knew my family. I didn't go there any more, but I had met him several times. He has left the church and now is serving on a type of committee / ministry. (Not totally sure what it is exactly)

After thinking and talking about it with Brian, we decide we would like to see if MR x would be the officiant for our wedding b/c he at least knew my family.
Well after many attempts to reach him, I finally got an answer - No.
This is why, b/c when he left the church, they asked him not to do weddings or funerals.
The "committee" he is on, helps or 'enforce' the rules and he could get in big trouble if he were to do it.

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